Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lent Event - give up & give life

Lent Event is a project designed to get people thinking about what they have and what others may not! In a 40 day period before Easter (LENT) you are encouraged to give up something that you would normally spend money on & instead give that money to one of 5 projects. The projects: Papua New Guinea (clean drinking water); South India (Hill Tribe development); West Timor (Micro-credit schemes); Zimbabwe (Water Harvesting); & Zambia (orphaned & vulnerable children support). Each project assists in the ongoing development of local communities.

This event is not just about JUSTICE and EQUALITY for developing communities, but it’s also a SPIRITUAL journey. Each time we stop and consider what we may give up to assist another we reflect on our lives; what’s important; what we may take for granted; & whether we actually have the ability to go without! But perhaps most importantly it dares to teach us how to empathise with other human beings in very different places & situations to us.

Currently there is a group of young-adults connected with UOW who are committed to giving something (or things) up! Some of us are even going to get together & have a very simple dinner once a week to share the experience over the 6 ½ weeks (yes, 40 days not including Sundays!) There are also some studies & reflections based on the bible during the period that help to reflect on what all this can mean.

Lent Event kicks off on Wednesday 21st Feb (or when you start) & runs all the way up to Easter Sat 7th April.

Ready to join us? Simply grab a participants kit & get thinking about what YOU could give up!

chocolate? car? beer? phone? coke? electricity? cigarettes? tv?

The choice is simple & it’s yours!

UnitingSpiritually is a christian faith community connected with UOW.
More info? Contact Uniting Church Chaplain, Dave Williamson davew[at]


